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That’s life


Sometimes even when you have the best intentions, things just don’t always go your way. Today for example I had planned to wake up early and be super productive, as in do laundry and go for a nice long run. Well I woke up to a beautiful running day alright, just an hour or two later than I needed to be up. Though I did have just enough time to shower and get to class, I was so frustrated that I had missed my only window of opportunity to be active for the day. I mean it was 80 degrees in Winston and there was a delightful breeze, so a run through the beautiful Reynolda gardens would have been fabulous.

Unfortunately that’s life and not everything goes according to plan…which for the planner in me is not all that easy to accept. Luckily I have so many wonderful friends who kept telling me that it was a sign that I needed the sleep….which is probably true.