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Switch Up Your Workouts

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I have a confession…I cannot stand working out on a treadmill for half an hour. There’s honestly nothing wrong with it and I’m sure the results are fantastic, but to me it can be a bit of a bore! I am the type of girl that has to keep moving and trying new things. So if you’re like me, and are stuck with the same old fitness routines, check out my ideas for a fun filled workout!
Dance Inspired Cardio: My ultimate favorite type of workout! I have danced for 11 years and it never felt like a workout to me because it’s so much fun. Even if you two left feet, the steps are usually easy to follow and can be completed in the comfort of your room. The best resources I can think of to find fun dance cardio workouts are the Internet, fitness classes at college or on TV, and DVDs.
Some popular types of dance workouts include:

  • Zumba– modern dance mixed with jazz
  • Hip-Hop– funky flavors and popping
  • Sensual– burlesque type of dancing or belly dancing
  • Latin– my favorite!

Yoga: I know what you’re thinking and I agree, a workout that bends you like a pretzel is intimidating! Yoga can seem challenging at first, but with practice and effort your body will see a difference! What I enjoy about Yoga is the strength that your body obtains just by using different muscle groups to stabilize the whole body. Yoga is a full body workout and usually it only requires a mat to complete.

My favorite Yoga moves are:

  • Tree Pose: Standing on one leg and raising the other to your calf while lifting your hands above your head like a tree.
  • Cat & Dog: On all fours moving through two positions to relieve back stress.
  • Rag Doll: Wonderful back stretch where you bend over and let your arms hang around just relaxing.
  • Child’s pose: Common relaxation pose where you lean back on your heels while sitting and rest your chest onto your legs.

How to boost any workout:
Add music: Create a workout playlist and then jam out to it while working out. Include fast and slow paced songs to coincide with your workout sessions.
Good luck :) 

Meagan is a junior at the University of Tampa working towards her Communication degree. Currently a Creative Services Intern for Bright House Networks, Meagan produces commercials and graphics for local businesses and for fashion blogs. She has worked at a daycare for six years and has a love for children-especially her kindergarteners! She has had a passion for television production since the third grade and in her spare time, she attempts to learn as much as she can about the newest technology. Like most girls, Meagan loves shopping and makeup-she is a beauty guru on YouTube as well. A true believer in milk chocolate and laughter, she always loves to have a good time, whether it is with friends and family, or with her kindergartners at her daycare job. She hopes to pursue her interests in design and television production while in college.