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A State Department Twitter Account May Have Crossed an Ethical Line by Retweeting a Post About Ivanka’s New Book

The Office of Global Women’s Issues Twitter account, @GenderAtState, is facing harsh criticism after retweeting a tweet promoting Ivanka Trump’s new book, Women Who Work, according to CNN. The oldest Trump daughter previously said she would not promote the book to avoid breaking government ethics rules, seeing as she now has an influential position in the White House.

But the first daughter didn’t exactly stick to that promise. She posted two pictures on Twitter of her sister Tiffany and sister-in-law Lara reading the book. Then the @GenderAtState account decided to get in on the fun by retweeting that tweet—even though doing so potentially broke a government rule against “using public office to promote commercial products,” ABC reports. The account has since removed the retweet, but this isn’t the first time the State Department has gotten in trouble for promoting Trump businesses. In April, the State Department had to delete a web post that some saw as promoting Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, according to The Hill. Plus, there was that time Kellyanne Conway went on TV and told people to buy Ivanka’s clothing line. Maybe everyone in the Trump White House needs a little refresher on ethics?

Kayleen is a senior at Florida International University and is pursuing her dream career as a journalist. She is addicted to HGTV and original shows on Netflix. Proud of her Cuban heritage, she rocks hoop earrings and cannot go a day without her pastelitos. You can find her on Instagram as @Mongaleen or follow her Disney account @Disneyleen.