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Someone Tweeted Selena Gomez Was Going to Be In a Marvel Movie & The Internet Made It Into a Hilarious Meme

With the devastating ending to the latest Marvel movie, Avengers: Infinity War, we all need a hero, and we’ll be holding out for a hero ’til the end of the night. (Bonnie Tyler, anyone?)

So, when someone tweeted a rumor that Selena Gomez had been cast for an upcoming Marvel movie, fans were filled with hope that she could defeat Thanos. Who knows, maybe she would kill him with kindness (sorry, I know, bad joke), or recreate her character Arsyn from bestie Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” music video.

But the account that tweeted this rumor only has 172 followers, according to Buzzfeed News, and doesn’t appear to have any connection to Marvel Entertainment. Sorry Selena Gomez fans — there’s no way of actually knowing that she was contacted by Marvel.

Once the rumor started circulating, however, the internet did what it does best: it made the rumor into a meme.

Other Twitter users have posted their own “casting announcements” for upcoming Marvel movies following the original post’s format.

Like rapper Pitbull who defeats Thanos as “Mr. Worldwide.”

Or singer SZA.

And even the superheroes, and sidekicks, from Sky High.

So if the Avengers are looking for any additional teammates, these all sound like some pretty solid options.

Emily has also authored political articles for Restless Magazine and numerous inspirational and empowering pieces for Project Wednesday. When she isn't writing, she can be found flying off to her next adventure, attempting new recipes, listening to one of her infinite playlists on Spotify, or cuddling with her dogs. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @emilycveith.