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Slip-up Solutions



Ever since spring break, I have felt like my little slip ups have been occurring much too frequently. On top of that my birthday is coming up, which is going to pose a lot of temptation so I feel a little helpless to change it.

I have been exercising a lot lately, but only a combination of diet and exercise will produce the results that I want. As I was wondering how I could get myself out of this rut, I opened my SELF Jump Start Diet tip of the day. The topic was none other than Slip-up Solutions!

Jillian Michaels suggests mixing up your routine to create a positive atmosphere. According to the SELF tip, “She [Jillian Michaels] suggests adding modest changes to your typical routine—walking at lunch, snacking on veggies and hummus instead of potato chips—to shift your emotions for the better and inspire you to take even more beneficial steps.”

Motivated by the SELF tip, I went to the store and stocked up on fresh fruit and veggies, like carrots and celery, to make sure that this week is my best yet since following the SELF Jump Start Diet!

HC Love,
