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Culture > Entertainment

Selena Gomez & Michael B. Jordan Are Preparing To Visit High Schools Across The Country & I’m Already Inspired

You know what they say: the youth is the future. And now, it looks like Selena Gomez and Michael B. Jordan are joining in to support the next generation as they begin to work toward achieving their dreams.

Gomez and Jordan are teaming up with Coach as part of their Dream It Real foundation, which itself is in partnership with the Future Project. According to The Cut, these organizations aim to guide teenagers to chase after anything and everything they’re passionate about through the help of “dream directors” that visit high schools across America.

As honorary dream directors, Gomez and Jordan will personally be stopping by various high schools in the US, and talking to students there to inspire them. Knowing Gomez’s status as a multi-hyphenate (actress-singer-producer) and Jordan’s vast filmography, which includes everything from poignant TV shows like Friday Night Lights to blockbuster films like Black Panther, there’s likely few people better suited to inspire young people to shoot for the stars.

I’m pretty sad that I’m no longer in high school and therefore won’t be able to meet these two, but I can’t wait to see the great work they do with Dream It Real.

Erica Kam is the Life Editor at Her Campus. She oversees the life, career, and news verticals on the site, including academics, experience, high school, money, work, and Her20s coverage. Over her six years at Her Campus, Erica has served in various editorial roles on the national team, including as the previous Culture Editor and as an editorial intern. She has also interned at Bustle Digital Group, where she covered entertainment news for Bustle and Elite Daily. She graduated in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing from Barnard College, where she was the senior editor of Columbia and Barnard’s Her Campus chapter and a deputy copy editor for The Columbia Spectator. When she's not writing or editing, you can find her dissecting K-pop music videos for easter eggs and rereading Jane Austen novels. She also loves exploring her home, the best city in the world — and if you think that's not NYC, she's willing to fight you on it.