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Sarah Huckabee Sanders Legit Said Nancy Pelosi Should ‘Smile More’ & We’re Scowling A Whole Lot RN

Women are constantly being told to smile, usually by men. It happens so often, The Atlantic published a story with more than ten women describing their encounters where someone told them to smile or smile more. This is just one branch of sexism women face on a daily basis but White Hosue Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn’t seem to care.

When asked in an interview with CNN how Trump could unify the State of the Union, she answered with “I think she [Nancy Pelosi] should smile a lot more often, I think the country would be better for it. She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat party right now.”

Did Sarah take a second to think maybe Nancy is unhappy with current events that are unfolding in the government right now? Maybe she really doesn’t like the current president? Or maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t smiling because she doesn’t need to (I doubt smiling is in her job description).

Plus, quite a few people on the Internet were quick to point out that Huckabee-Sanders isn’t exactly a pro smiler either.

Marisa Pieper is a student at Arizona State University studying Communication, Fashion, and Marketing (digital & traditional). She loves to discuss the latest style and beauty trends while also reporting on things that are important to her!