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Name: Sara Miriam Liben
Year: 2013
School: JTS/GS
Major: Sociology and Gender Studies

Hometown: Natick, Massachusetts

Relationship Status: Single and looking to mingle

On-Campus Activities: Social and Cultural Coordinator for Columba/Barnard Hillel, Sister of Alpha Chi Omega, Former Community Impact Coordinator, and Bulter 209 Frequenter

Off-Campus activities: Intern in Planned Giving and Endowment at UJA Federation of New York, Aunt to two adorable nieces and nephews (with two more on the way!)

Pet Peeves: When people use incorrect grammar, and when people assume things

Dream Job: CEO of a major non-for-profit organization

Every girl needs these three things: Blackberry or iPhone, sexy red heels, and a fun nail polish color. My personal favorite is Turquoise & Caicos by Essie.

Your perfect date in 10 words or less: Pasta dinner, red wine, and getting lost in the city

Favorite off-campus location: The Abbey

Dream man: Passionate, driven, and knows how to cook

One thing you want to do before graduating: There’s a whole bucket list. I have this vision of a huge simultaneous dance party at night on all roofs on Columbia’s campus. Let’s make it happen.

Top three albums/songs of all time: Guster’s Lost and Gone Forever, Joshua Radin’s Simple Times, and Brittany Spears’ Till the World Ends Femme Fetal Remix ft. Nicki Minaj and Ke$ha

If you could have a super power what would it be and why: Flying. It would be awesome.

If you could invite anyone to dinner, you would ask: Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars and the voice of Gossip Girl)

Carmine’s decides to name a pasta dish after you (what’s it called and what’s in it): It’s called Sliben and it has bowtie pasta with Alfredo sauce, mushrooms, and basil.

Favorite class at Columbia: Topics in Religion in Politics taught by Karen Barkey

What does a man have to do to get your attention: Challenge me.