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Where will you be on 11/11/11? 11 Eleven, a non-profit film project aiming to tell the story of the world, wants to know.

On November 11th, all of humanity will be invited to take part in the largest collaborative storytelling event in history. Anyone who wants to tell their story can create a piece for submission using any medium – anything from film to photography to text.

After 11/11/11, participants will submit their creations to a project team who will then filter the work and turn it into a few different projects including a book series, a world music collection and a documentary film.

The largest part of this project will be the feature-film length documentary, which will be screened on September 21st, 2012 (the International Day of Peace) and shown in community centers, churches, schools and other public locations for free.

According to a press release by 11 Eleven, “a major objective of the project is to raise significant amounts of money and awareness for some of the greatest problems currently facing humanity. These include hunger, environmental sustainability, gender equality, poverty, education and maternal health. The 11Eleven Project is an artistic venture that aims to explore our differences and recognize our similarities.”

What can you do? Get your story out there! Visit http://11elevenproject.com/en/participate/ to learn how to submit your own piece of art and add your voice to the story of the world. All you have to do is press record on 11/11/11.

Jenni is a senior at Bucknell University where she will soon graduate with a degree in Psychology and minors in Creative Writing and Italian. Although Bucknell is in Lewisburg, PA (hello, corn fields!), her home is actually all the way in Seattle, WA. While at school, she enjoys hanging out with her sorority sisters, tutoring in the Writing Center, running and cooking/ eating delicious food. After spending a semester abroad in Florence, Italy during her junior year, she is itching to continue traveling and loves anything associated with food, cooking, health and writing. She is currently finishing up her time as an Editorial Intern for Her Campus and will be headed to Boston University in the fall to begin working on a Masters degree in Journalism.