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Penn State Students, Fans Rocked By Alleged Sex Scandal

The moral foundations of Penn State’s football program have been rocked by allegations of a sex scandal that have left students and fans devastated.
A 23-page grand jury report maintains that a number of men affiliated with the football program at Penn State allegedly failed to report the abuse of children.
Former assistant PSU football coach Jerry Sandusky was arrested Saturday on 40 counts of sex crimes against minors. It is alleged that some of these crimes were witnessed by both students and employees and were even reported to PSU officials, including head football coach Joe Paterno and Athletic Director Tim Curley, who turned a blind eye.
These allegations threaten to tarnish Paterno’s reputation as a moral crusader in the world of college football, which has suffered a character assassination due to recent reports of bribery, corruption and other illicit practices to provide the best of the best for star players.
Penn State students, shocked by the weekend’s events, find it hard to believe that such harrowing claims can be associated with a program known for its honor. One student wrote: “This Saturday afternoon, I will join my fellow students in a sea of white while the Blue Band plays our Alma Mater. ‘May no act of ours bring shame,’ we will all sing. And for the first time in my life, it will all feel fake.”

Lauryn is a senior at Northeastern University majoring in journalism. She has written for Boston.com as well as the HC branch at Northeastern. Lauryn is also a teaching assistant for International Affairs students at Northeastern. In May and June of 2011, she embarked on a reporting trip to the Middle East, where she mastered the art of "man on the street" reporting and gained a new appreciation for falafel. In her spare time, Lauryn enjoys writing, walking around Boston aimlessly, traveling and a unhealthy obsession with her Kindle. She loves eating, French bulldogs and Anderson Cooper. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in foreign correspondence or magazine journalism. You can follow her on Twitter @laurynpaiva.