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A Package at a Miami Art Festival Set Off Security Dogs & It Turned Out to Be a Portrait of ‘Punk Hillary Clinton’

On Saturday morning, organizers at the Art Miami festival in Miami, Florida, shut down the area for several hours after police dogs reacted to a “suspicious” crate — which actually just turned out to be a portrait of a really badass-looking Hillary Clinton.

As the Miami Herald explains, the crate in question set off security dogs during a pre-show security check of the area around 8 a.m. Thinking the package contained possibly dangerous items, police cleared the area — including nearby streets and public transportation routes — while they searched the suspicious package.

What they actually found when they opened the package was, well, not really dangerous. Inside the crate was a portrait of Hillary Clinton, who was stylized by the painting’s artist to look like a punk rocker with pink, shaggy hair and a studded leather jacket — a ~nasty woman~ look that we’ve gotta say we’re very much here for. Even when the artwork was put through an X-ray machine, police say noting suspicious turned up. 

The painting in question (officially and aptly named “Punk Hillary”) was created by Orlando-based artist Scott Scheidly, who created it as part of a series of satirical paintings of politicians like Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler and Queen Elizabeth II. In case you’re wondering, there’s also a Donald Trump version, called “Pimp Trump” depicting the POTUS in a zebra-printed jacket and hat, as well as a gold chain.

The event was re-opened several hours later, but police still have yet to figure out what possibly could have set the dogs off. All we know is that we’re officially putting a copy of “Punk Hillary” at the top of our Christmas lists — though it might be a hard sell considering Scheidly’s work apparently goes for $4,000. But a girl can dream!

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.