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Our First Look at Brie Larson as Captain Marvel is Here & I’m So Ready for the Marvel Heroine We Deserve

I am a HUGE Marvel girl, and I especially love all the badass ladies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It’s about time we get a female-driven Marvel superhero movie.

Entertainment Weekly’s new cover finally gives us a sneak peek at Brie Larson as Captain Marvel in her new solo movie, set for release on March 8, 2019. Check her out:

Remember at the end of Avengers: Infinity War when Nick Fury sent a message and that symbol showed up on his device? He was paging Captain Marvel, aka air force pilot Carol Danvers. She’s half human, half Kree alien, all badass. “She can’t help but be herself,” Brie Larson tells Entertainment Weekly of her super alter ego. “She can be aggressive, and she can have a temper, and she can be a little invasive and in your face.”

The new Captain Marvel movie takes place in the ’90s (hello just-barely-retro fashion!) and follows Danvers as she joins a Kree military team called Starforce. The commander? Jude Law. That’s gonna be some interesting tension.

As if being the first female superhero in the MCU with her own movie wasn’t enough, Captain Marvel’s authentic personality makes her a great role model for young, female Marvel fans. “This is not a superhero who’s perfect or otherworldly or has some godlike connection,” says the film’s director, Anna Boden (the first female director to take on a Marvel movie!). “But what makes her special is just how human she is.”

I’m looking forward to a future where heroes of all genders can save the world without it being groundbreaking and earth shattering (other than the action sequences, of course). Captain Marvel is a great step in the right direction!

Kait Wilbur is an aggressively optimistic individual obsessed with sitcoms, indie music, and pop culture in general. She hails from Manito, a rural wasteland in Illinois so small and devoid of life that she took up writing to amuse herself. Kait goes to Butler University to prepare for a career in advertising, but all she really wants to do is talk about TV for a living. You can find her at any given moment with her earbuds in pretending to do homework but actually looking at surrealist memes.