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Ole Miss “Riots” After Election


Reports surfaced late last night of a ‘riot’ that broke out on the University of Mississippi campus. According to The Huffington Post, students took to the streets to protest the re-election of President Barack Obama.

The Clarion Ledger reported that around 30-40 students began gathering near the student union when the protest was first reported to campus police, and that within 20 minutes the crowd had grown to around 400 students. University police broke up the protest, and most students were back in their dorms within 25 minutes, though smaller gatherings of angry students continued to pop up across the Ole Miss campus.

However, despite early claims that the student’s reactions were a ‘riot,’ later reports characterized them more along the lines of angry protests. Nicholas Carr, a student at Ole Miss, gave WMCTV a description of what he saw. “I was there the whole time. No rocks were thrown. There was 1 sign lit on fire. For about 45 seconds,” Carr said. “Mostly, it was 100s of college kids who heard the word riot and ran to take pictures and see what it was about. Again, no rocks or missiles thrown.”

WMCTV reports that one Ole Miss journalism student did see a racial component to the protests, however. Margaret Ann Morgan tweeted, “Students of all races yelling on rebel drive. Lots of racial slurs.”

Riot or not, the University’s chancellor announced his dissapointment with the student’s actions, calling the protests a “immature and uncivil approach,” according to The Clarion Ledger.

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Julia is a recent graduate of Johns Hopkins University, where she studied Writing Seminars and Women's Studies. She lives outside of Boston and is a Fall 2012 Editorial Intern at Her Campus. Her favorite activities are writing, drawing, and eating sushi. She also enjoys picking up new hobbies, like photography, and she's trying hard to learn the ukelele!