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Nikki Bella & John Cena Are Reportedly Back Together & I Believe In Love Again

Sometimes when you know, you know.

John Cena and fellow pro wrestler Nikki Bella are officially back together after six weeks of being apart, a source told People. The two were engaged and set to wed in May of this year, but called the wedding off in mid-April. According to People’s source, the pair was in communication through the duration of their separation. “They were always going to find their way back to each other. It was never going to be permanent.”

John and Nikki have been very public about their relationship, separation, and desire to rekindle throughout the process. John appeared on Good Morning America in May and talked about wanting to get back together with the Bella twin.

Sources had reported that Nikki called off the wedding because the two had different opinions about starting a family—she wanted kids, he didn’t. But it seems they were able to work it out, People’s source said: “They both got a wake-up call once they canceled the wedding, and they both realized they could fix what was broken.”

Another element that contributed to the couple’s issues was their relationship being so heavily in the spotlight. Both John and Nikki are pro wrestlers with very devoted fans who have been very invested in their relationship. “The wedding they called off no longer felt like their wedding—it was a wedding for TV, a wedding for publicity, a wedding for the fans and for viewers almost. That’s what made them able to walk away from it,” People’s source added.

I’m so happy these two were able to work out their issues and reunite, and I hope they didn’t get back together for the fans but for themselves!

Kait Wilbur is an aggressively optimistic individual obsessed with sitcoms, indie music, and pop culture in general. She hails from Manito, a rural wasteland in Illinois so small and devoid of life that she took up writing to amuse herself. Kait goes to Butler University to prepare for a career in advertising, but all she really wants to do is talk about TV for a living. You can find her at any given moment with her earbuds in pretending to do homework but actually looking at surrealist memes.