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Someone Attacked an Elderly Man Over Nutella Samples

There are some things you just don’t do—not even for Nutella. For example, punch people in the face. But on Sunday, a customer at a Costco in Burbank, Calif. did just that to 78-year-old Sahak Shakian. Sahakian was approaching a stand handing out Nutella waffle samples when he noticed that a man had taken almost all of the samples.

“He takes two, three of them, left one,” Sahakian told reporters at CBS Los Angeles. He then confronted the man, Derrick Gharabighi, for taking too many samples. “I want to take [the last sample], and he catch my hand. I say, ‘What are you doing? Let me eat this one.’”

It was then that Gharabighi reportedly punched Sahakian in the face.

“He hit me, and the blood started,” Sahakian told CBS. “Maybe 10 minutes or whatever. I was like that…dizzy.” Witnesses rushed to help Sahakian, who was later hospitalized with a 1-inch cut and swelling above his left eye.

Security officers caught Gharbighi, who was trying to escape the scene, and police officers arrested him. He is being charged with one count of elder abuse.

Court documents show that Gharbighi isn’t new to the criminal system. In the past, he has been convicted twice for trespassing, as well as petty theft and drug possession for sale. Despite Gharbighi’s criminal history, and his aggressive behavior towards Sahakian, Sahakian does not wish ill for the man.

“I don’t want nothing to happen, but only the government…[or] police have to teach him that this is bad,” he told CBS.

If convicted of this crime, prosecutors say Gharbighi could face up to 11 years in prison. Worth a few Nutella samples? Definitely not!

Carly is a sophomore at the University of Michigan majoring in Communications with a minor in Digital Studies. She adores travelling and super corny inspirational quotes. Some fun facts: she owns way too many cat sweaters and her signature order at IHOP is a double order of bacon. Follow her on instagram and twitter @ cargriffinn.