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It turns out that a picture really is worth a thousand words, and that Netflix is even smarter than we suspected.

According to a blog post by Nick Nelson, Netflix’s global manager of creative services, the company has spent years trying to figure out what makes customers choose to watch certain titles over others. Now, they know exactly how to make you click in the 1.8 seconds you spend looking at each potential movie or show while scrolling through all the options.

“Knowing we have such a short time to capture interest, images become the most efficient and compelling way to help members discover the perfect title as quickly as possible,” Nelson wrote.

Their research discovered that photos showing three people or fewer, villains, or widely known characters almost always attract more clicks. And, if a person is featured in the image, that person must be displaying a complex emotion to catch your attention; otherwise you’re not likely to engage. “This is likely due to the fact that complex emotions convey a wealth of information to members regarding the tone or feel of the content,” according to Nelson—and a simple emotion like plain ol’ happiness or sadness probably isn’t going to do that very well. And the three-people-or-fewer rule definitely seems right. When you’re looking at Netflix on your tiny computer screen and you see a photo of the whole cast of a show, it’ll seem like an overwhelming crowd—and you’ll move on to something else.

The results of the research differ greatly between countries, Nelson says. “Examining regional differences helped us see that while great stories transcend borders, it is important to understand how presenting each story in different regions impacts how quickly members from around the world actually discover that story through artwork,” he wrote.

Pretty interesting stuff! Pay attention to what shows catch your eye next time you’re looking for something to watch—you might see these tips in action!

Ally Meyerowitz is a junior at San Diego State University. She is currently trying to pursue a degree in Journalism with an Italian language minor. She is a Jersey girl born and raised, and she will always be a Jersey girl at heart. When she's not scrolling endlessly through her Instagram and Facebook feeds, you can usually find her watching movies, hanging out with friends or eating chocolate. After college, she hopes to become an entertainment editor at a major publication in New York City.