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Hey collegiettes!

I have a new idol. Sara Bareilles. She did a concert at Wake tonight (hence the late post) and it was phenomenal! Don’t get me wrong, I have always loves her music, but I respect her much more now that I have seen her live. Too bad I stopped taking piano lessons and can’t sing, because a part of me really wants to have her life.

Today was another busy day, but that is old news. Unfortunately because I was running around so much today I may have let my snacking get the better of me. In between my classes today I snagged a cup of grapes from the pit before I ran off to a meeting. After class I had a banana with some peanut butter before I went to run some errands. While I was at Whole Foods I grabbed some yogurt covered almonds as another little snack since I never really had time to eat a real lunch.

Side note: I couldn’t resist picking up another wonderful concoction from the Whole Foods salad bar for dinner while I was there. Today I included some pulled chicken, tofu, edamame, cucumbers, olives and broccoli.

I can see a trend on days like today when I don’t have a satisfactory lunch; I’m hungry the rest of the day. Though luckily my protein packed dinner lasted me throughout the concert, the combination of a 6 mile run and eating early meant I was really hungry when I got back to my room after the concert tonight. So I caved and had some fruit and a Special K Cereal Bar as a snack, even though I try and avoid eating late at night.

So my goal for the rest of the week is to try and find the time to eat a regular lunch at a normal hour, in order to try and keep my hunger at bay for the rest of the day. I am also going to be really ambitious and try and wake up before class tomorrow to go for a run!