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This Musician Wouldn’t Date Taylor Swift Because He’s Uncomfortable Dating a Famous Woman

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris are a power couple if we’ve ever seen one. But apparently, not everybody is interested in power couples. In an interview with Q Magazine, The 1975’s Matt Healy revealed his thoughts on his short (very short) interaction with Taylor Swift, which weren’t as pleasant as you may think. 

Once rumors came to light that he and Taylor may have been briefly involved, Healy was briefly thrown into the public eye.

“…I mean, I got on E! News and people were like, ‘Who’s Matt Healy?’ so that was cool,” he said.

It got worse. “If I had gone out with Taylor Swift I would’ve been, ‘Fucking hell! I am NOT being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend,’” he went on to say. “You know, ‘FUCK. THAT.’ That’s also a man thing, a de-masculinating, emasculating thing.”

So, uh… dating a strong, successful woman makes you less of a man? We totally get that dating someone at Taylor’s level of fame comes with its own set of concerns, but none of them should have to do with personal pride and whether being in a relationship with a powerful woman would “emasculate” you.

Kristen Adaway is a sophomore at the University of Georgia with a slight obsession of Twizzlers, writing and watching corny Lifetime flicks. When she's not consumed with meetings in almost every organization on campus, you can find her writing at Slant News or rocking out to Rihanna in her room. Kristen is pursuing a degree in Journalism with a minor in Sociology, and hopes to one day write for a digital publication.