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Munching hour


Hey Collegiettes™!

Today started off pretty great! I had another bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crisp cereal for breakfast this morning with a banana.

I highly recommend this cereal because it tastes great and keeps you full for a very long time!

 I had a Chai tea latte again around lunch time today…I have these way too much but caffeine was an absolute necessity today. Since I knew I had meetings and class till after 2 o’clock I also ran to the pit during my free hour(reminder: the pit is our dining hall at Wake) and grabbed a bagel and some peanut butter to go. I know this probably wasn’t the healthiest choice, but it is just about the only thing that doesn’t involve waiting in line for 15 minutes and I had less than half that amount of time to get to class.

The problems of my day arose during that pesky late afternoon slump. You know the one, when you get back from class and all you want to do is crawl into bed and munch on some form of junk food. Well I realized this afternoon that the period from 3-5pm tends to be the time I am most prone to aimlessly munch on whatever food I have in my room.

Today is a perfect example as I ended up finishing off a box of water crackers (don’t worry there were only about 8 crackers left in the box) after I had already eaten a granola bar. Was I so ravenous that I just had to eat those crackers or keel over? Most definitely not, but being bored while checking a multitude of emails is the worst time to start eating. Luckily, when my craving for snacks hit, the lack of junk food in my room did not give me many options to stray from the SELF Jump Start Diet. Though it was definitely not one of my finest and healthiest snack choices, it also could have been much worse!  

Unfortunately it was rainy and cold here in Winston today so I couldn’t run, but I had a great 50 minute workout on the elliptical with some abs afterwards. Then for dinner I had a taco salad to go (without the shell of course!) on my way to the library. If you haven’t noticed most of my meals have been grab and go style this week. This would be due to my two midterms cruelly due after spring break. Coming back to reality is a bit of rude awakening after a week in the Caribbean.