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You’ve got your lax bros, your frat bros, but what about DAD bros? Turns out MTV is wondering the same thing, and wants to know: is your Dad a Bro?

Based on the popular pictoral selection and book by BroBible, a ‘BroDad’ is considered a father who hangs with your crew, has to be the center of attention, and dresses fresher than you do. Perhaps a BroDad could enjoy the occaisonal game of beer pong, or like to roll aroud family functions shirtless after he has had a few.

Regardless, if you’re between the ages of 18 and 24 and you feel your dad is a total bro, e-mail MTV at mybrodad@gmail.com to tell them why your pops is the sickest! Need to know more? Check out the posting on MTV’s Casting page for more information here. Who knows? You may get a chance to bro out with your dad on national televsion. Pretty chill!

photo credit: BroBible

Abigail Colby is a current senior at Salisbury University in her native state of Maryland. Before writing and blogging for Her Campus, she worked on the entertainment team for College Magazine and founded her own column, Party Girl Problems, in SU's student newspaper. Along with working as a writer, Abigail is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha and member of Saisbury Univeristy's Center for Civic Activism. She is also a self-admitted online shopping addict, huge Baltimore Ravens fan (ya know, the Superbowl champs), and loves being out on the water. Puppies and cupcakes are pretty high on the list as well. Enjoy!!