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A Minnesota State Representative Wants to Ban Arie Luyendyk Jr. From the Entire State & He Has the Internet’s Full Support

Whether you watched last night’s season finale of The Bachelor or not, you’ve probably heard by now that season 22 bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. is actual human trash — and as it turns out, one Minnesota state representative agrees wholeheartedly.

Monday evening, following the dramatic season finale in which Arie called in the cameras to film him breaking up with Becca after the season had already wrapped, Minnesota state Rep. Drew Christensen was just as outraged as everyone else — but he took things one step further by offering to do his ~civic duty~ and get Arie banned from the state altogether.

“If this gets a thousand retweets I’ll author a bill banning Arie from Minnesota. #TheBachelor #PriorLakeLakers,” Christensen tweeted.

Understandably, the state of Minnesota was very heated after Becca (one of its own) was left embarrassed and heartbroken on the show — so naturally, it placed its full support behind Christensen by retweeting his tweet over 9,000 times. The state representative later followed up saying he was keeping his promise to the people and had even already begun drafting the bill. If this isn’t proof that some heroes don’t wear capes, I don’t know what is.

As of Tuesday evening, Christensen is still waiting on reaching the 10,000 retweets he needs to get in order to invite Becca herself to Minnesota’s State of the State Address.

All joking aside however, some (understandably) didn’t exactly find the humor in Christensen’s tweets considering, y’know, it would also be pretty great if he’d be as enthusiastic about introducing measures to keep his constituents safe from guns and mass shootings.

Regardless, it’s pretty clear that, despite the fact that it probably won’t pass, Christensen’s bill to ban Arie is at least something we can all agree on. “I think this whole thing is a great lesson in civic engagement,” Christensen told Cosmopolitan. “It’s as easy as a tweet to engage with elected officials on the issues — it’s important to me that I’m accessible to folks I represent.”

Hopefully in the future, this lesson in civic engagement will encourage Christensen to continue to use Twitter to engage with his constituents — but next time, about the actual, pressing issues they care about.

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.