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Midweek Motivation

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

I have a confession to make ladies, although you may already have figured it out… I’m an indoor workout kind of girl! Not that working out in the beautiful outdoors isn’t fantastic, because I’m sure it is, but because of my crazy and hectic life and schedule!

I also have another confession…I wish that I could post more personal photos of myself for these blog posts! I don’t want to fill this up with excuses so I’ll just tell you all my plan. Look forward to more photos and rich content on the weekend because that’s when my schedule is free!

Since I’m posting this in the middle of the second week of the fitness challenge I wanted to pump you all up and get everyone motivated! I found this quote online and it really spoke to me:

The hardest thing to do is leaving your comfort zone. But you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about.”- T. Arigo

It’s so true! Last week my workouts consisted of the same thing- dance cardio and stretching. It’s what I’m comfortable with and I love it but in order to really see a change I have to make the change! Holly Perkins mentioned that a structured workout plan with three different workouts would be best for me and I can see why.

So today I’m challenging you all to try a new type of workout and tell yourself that you can do it. Make a pledge to step out of your comfort zone. I’d love for you guys to leave a comment with your pledges below!

Here is my pledge: I am going to REALLY make the commitment to changing my body. I will focus on my overall health and eating habits. I will love my body for all that it does and be happy with who I am. I CAN do anything!


I love my New Balance gear!!

Best of Luck! :)

P.S. Keep reminding yourself of how amazing you truly are!

photo credit: SweetOnVeg

Meagan is a junior at the University of Tampa working towards her Communication degree. Currently a Creative Services Intern for Bright House Networks, Meagan produces commercials and graphics for local businesses and for fashion blogs. She has worked at a daycare for six years and has a love for children-especially her kindergarteners! She has had a passion for television production since the third grade and in her spare time, she attempts to learn as much as she can about the newest technology. Like most girls, Meagan loves shopping and makeup-she is a beauty guru on YouTube as well. A true believer in milk chocolate and laughter, she always loves to have a good time, whether it is with friends and family, or with her kindergartners at her daycare job. She hopes to pursue her interests in design and television production while in college.