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The makings of a foodie

Hey collegiettes™!

For the most part today was just your typical Monday. Except that I did get some exciting news…I got an internship with Turner Sports this summer!!! I think it will be a great experience and I will even be making a little money, which is way better than I expected!

Some other news, which will be exciting for sweet lovers and health nuts is that I found a great food blog called can you stay for dinner? that has some really great (and most importantly healthy) recipes. This bloggers attempt to have a healthy lifestyle without giving up on all the yummy things, reminded me a lot of the SELF Jump Start Diet philosophy!

But really, don’t these look delicious?!?

Of course the first recipes I started to look at were the desserts and they all looked fabulous! But let’s be honest, I was 100% sold when I saw the words: 100 calorie chocolate cupcakes. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Yes, you heard me correctly collegiettes™, 100 calories for a moist, fudgy chocolate cupcake! By substituting ½ or the white flour with whole wheat flour and using apple sauce in place of oil the cupcakes are extremely low in calories, but the apples sauce also keeps them moist.

Though I personally haven’t tried the recipe yet, the next time I have access to a kitchen I am definitely going to test this recipe out! I’m thinking it would be a great exam week treat for my friends. Plus, by then I will be able to eat sweets again because Easter is in less than a week!