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Losing the Freshman 15: Pros and Cons of Being Home


Good morning collegiettes™!


I am still at home, basking in the glory that is home-cooked meals and a proper amount of sleep. Unfortunately (I have a feeling you know what’s coming here), my diet has gone awry. I’ve been cooking and eating so well at meals, and feeling so good because of it. It’s incredible what a difference that makes on your body. But my snacking has been out of control! Readily available food… it’s rough.


But, I refuse to beat myself up. Mistakes happen. It’s more important—and difficult, and rewarding—to pick yourself up after you’ve fallen than to stay on that tightrope forever. I want to focus on the positives of my time at home rather than obsess over last night’s cookie extravaganza in front of the TV with my friends.


First of all, I ran another race! (Whaaat? Is this becoming my thing? How strange). This time it was a 4-mile with my mom right around our neighborhood near the beach. Very pretty, and most importantly: flat. So that felt great. It’s funny being home and talking Jump Start diet with my mom—we both agree that Jillian’s yoga toners are brutal (in a good way). Still, it was nice to take that day off and run instead.


There have definitely been some oversights food-wise, but there were some meals that were so delicious and made with such good stuff that I just have to document them here. Healthy taco night (complete with strawberry spinach salad) was delicious (made even more so because I got to spend it with one of my best friends—yay home!), as was my chicken sandwich on whole-grain toast with spinach and tomato. The Truvia brownies were delicious with a few slices of banana for dessert!

Man, I don’t want to go back to dining hall food. Can I just take the kitchen back to Chicago with me?