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Lose the Freshman 15: Rain, rain go away

I woke up this morning to a dark room and the sound of rain hitting my window. 

Just minutes after waking up I immediately thought it was a pajama day. I didn’t have class today, so if I wanted to be lazy, staying inside all day was an option.  

I don’t mind the rain as long as I don’t have to go anywhere. There is nothing I enjoy about wet jeans, wet socks and a terrible hair day. 

But there is also nothing better than sitting on the couch, snacking and watching a movie on a rainy day. It just seems hard to find the will to workout.

However, sitting on the couch and snacking all day are not part of my diet

I knew I had to make it to the gym; so despite feeling groggy, I put my gym clothes on and headed out the door. 

But once I got to the gym I wasn’t acting like myself. I stalled getting on the spinning bike, spending extra time doing stretches I knew were not necessary. I put my hair in a ponytail multiple times, even though I knew it would fall in 10 minutes anyway. The only productive thing I spent time on before I actually got on the bike was my playlist. 

I knew I was feeling groggy, so I knew I would need some good, upbeat tunes to accompany my workout. Usually I just put my iPod on shuffle and change the songs as I go. But today I made a playlist that was sure to keep my legs moving. And as I looked out the window and saw the rain, I needed the extra boost to keep my energy up. 

It definitely worked. I was moving to some of today’s top hits, such as Katy Perry’s “Firework,” but I also included some oldies, such as Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin.'” Finally, I ended my workout with Queen’s “Bicycle Race.” (I thought it was appropriate since I was on a spinning bike.)

I know I can’t listen to the same playlist every time I go to the gym, but I want to make more. It gave me the push I needed to finish a workout, even on a rainy day. 

What are some of your workout playlist favorites? 

I am a junior journalism student at the University of Florida. I am very passionate about health and fitness and hope to be a health writer or editor one day. Currently, I intern for Giggle, which is a family and parenting magazine that serves the Gainesville community. Outside of journalism I enjoy running, playing and coaching soccer, and socializing with my friends.