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Lose the Freshman 15: Killin’ it at the gym

Yesterday was my official Day 1, and I already know that this is going to be amazing. I tackled my first Jump Start Diet workout: workout #4, which consists of a bunch of calorie-busting exercises—off of the cardio machines. I’d never done a workout like this; I wasn’t a team sports or dance lesson kind of kid, so for me it’s always been about the gym. But this one I could have done anywhere—well, anywhere that it would be socially acceptable to be doing jumping jacks, “butt kicks” and “mountain climbers.” I admit that I did cringe a tiny bit when I was running in place in a back section of the gym and people would walk by (did I look crazy? Perhaps, but come on Northwestern, none of us look like stars at the gym anyway, amIright)?

It was HARD, and I LOVED it. Maybe it’s because I watch The Biggest Loser so religiously, but I am tickled by the idea of following Jillian Michaels’ exercise plans, and this one had me hearing her raging voice in my head every time I stopped.


For full disclosure, though, I did stop sometimes. 3 straight minutes of some of these seemed impossible at times. It goes to show that even though this workout was only 30 minutes, it was an effective 30 minutes. But I know the next time I do it I’ll be able to do a little bit more, and I’ll build from there. I learned that from the cardio machines I’m so attached to—whereas I used to be able to stay on the elliptical for about twenty-five minutes, I can now chill there for a looong time (though that gets pretty boring).            


This morning I’m feeling good and sore, which is amazing to me. I’ve always structured my workouts like this: x amount of cardio, then strength training in one of these areas: legs, stomach, or arms. It’s incredible how different this workout felt, because it incorporated strength training into the cardio, and used my own body’s weight and resistance to challenge my muscles, rather than a free weight or a machine. My butt is killing me (yay) and my calves… well, it’s clear that I have to go back and figure out the correct form for some of those moves, because while my left calf is only mildly protesting this morning, my right calf is confused as to why I’m putting it through the torture of walking to class.


I’ll try out another workout today (I’m thinking #2) and let you know how it goes! This is why I’m so excited to be part of the Freshman 15 program: even after all this time, I’ve got a lot to learn. Coming soon: I’ll sit down and try to apply the principles of the Jump Start Diet to my average dining hall meal… it’s all about adaptability. No excuses, right? Have a great day, collegiettes™, and don’t forget to leave me comments and follow me on Twitter