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Lose the Freshman 15: Healthy on the inside

Some people are just skinny. 

Some people don’t exercise and eat whatever they want. You watch them eat four donuts carelessly while you eat a bowl of fruit. Yet, the person eating the four donuts still looks better in a bikini. You feel a little jealous and think to yourself, “Why can’t I do that? I try so hard to be healthy but feel like I’m not making progress.” 

Sometimes it’s frustrating to know you work so hard for something that comes so naturally to someone else. But just because someone is thin does not mean he or she is healthy. And in the long run, being healthy on the inside is more important than being healthy on the outside. 

Look at getting the perfect bikini body as an added bonus. Think about the positive effects healthy eating and exercise have on your body. You have a stronger heart, you protect yourself from diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, you have stronger stamina, and ultimately, a longer life. 

I believe you can’t have a successful diet if your only motive to lose weight is to be skinny. Looking good in a bikini is something that slowly comes with being healthy on the inside. And dieting is the first step. Honestly, I don’t like to use the word “diet.” Sometimes I feel like using this word means the lifestyle change is temporary. I like to look at being healthy as something permanent. 

So next time you start to feel jealous when you watch your friend eat a donut while you eat fruit, remind yourself why you chose to eat the fruit. Remind yourself of the favor you are doing for your body. This realization will turn your diet into a lifestyle

I am a junior journalism student at the University of Florida. I am very passionate about health and fitness and hope to be a health writer or editor one day. Currently, I intern for Giggle, which is a family and parenting magazine that serves the Gainesville community. Outside of journalism I enjoy running, playing and coaching soccer, and socializing with my friends.