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Lose the Freshman 15: Find your inner competitive

I have always been a competitive person. 

I always want to be better, and I push myself to get to the top and be the best I can be. I’ll be the first to admit sometimes I push myself too hard. But it’s also this competitiveness that keeps me motivated to reach my fitness goals. 

I think my many years of soccer really made me competitive. I had to compete not only against other teams, but I also had to compete to earn my spot on the field against my own teammates. I liked the feeling of success, and it’s that feeling that pushes me to reach my goals. 

Now that I don’t play soccer at a competitive level, I find myself competing against myself. It’s my inner competitive spirit that helps me push through a tough hill on a spinning bike or run an extra mile. 

I believe everyone has a little bit of competitive in them, and it’s important to use it to reach your health and fitness goals. 

However, it’s important to keep your competitive drive under control. You don’t want to push yourself so hard that you hurt yourself. 

If you can’t find it in you to push yourself through a tough workout, ask a friend to come with you. You guys will push each other, and you won’t want to slack off because you won’t want to let your friend down. 

Finding your inner competitive can help you get out of a workout rut and help you reach your goals. 

I like to run with someone who is a little faster than me. It makes me a better runner because I push myself to match his or her speed. And there is no better feeling than seeing your finish times improve after each race. 

I am a junior journalism student at the University of Florida. I am very passionate about health and fitness and hope to be a health writer or editor one day. Currently, I intern for Giggle, which is a family and parenting magazine that serves the Gainesville community. Outside of journalism I enjoy running, playing and coaching soccer, and socializing with my friends.