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Lose the Freshman 15: “Breaking Up is Hard to Do”

Dear junk food,

It’s me, Allison. We’ve had a really good run these last few years. And I still plan to see you occasionally for a special treat every now and then. But you see, you’re bad for me. And I need to make sure that all of the influences in my life are positive. And that starts with you pizza (and burgers and nachos and oh you get it). So this is goodbye. I went grocery shopping today and bought a ton of healthy food. I’m committed to a healthy lifestyle. And though I’m sure you will tempt me almost everyday, I just don’t think we can see each other anymore. And if you were wondering, it is you, not me.



So there it is. No more foods that aren’t good for me. Grocery shopping  was a bit overwhelming today searching for all of the items that will help jumpstart my diet, but I’m determined to stay the course. 

I’ve also looked up a picture of me from high school (see the right) for motivation. Forget about how fabulous that dress is, I looked good. And more importantly, I look happy. More than anything this program is about feeling good about yourself and having confidence in the woman you are. I hope that all of you will join me in making goals to eat healthier and get 45 minutes of exercise each day. You can find all the tools you need to start accomplishing your goal right here.

Please leave any questions or comments you have below or follow me on twitter @atripolitis

My name is Allison Tripolitis and I am a senior magazine journalism student at the University of Missouri. I have previously worked for MOVE Magazine as a film columnist, the Columbia Missourian as a reporter, ALIVE Magazine in St. Louis as an editorial intern and Professional Beauty London as an editorial intern. This semester I am working at Vox Magazine as a department editor for my capstone. When I am not busy "journalizing" I can often be found watching Mad Men, Sex and the City, Community and reruns of The Nanny.