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A little under the weather


As I said yesterday, I have not been feeling very well the last day or so. Not sleeping for more than 6 hours a night over an extensive amount of time will do that to you. Unfortunately that means I did not exercise today…good thing I ran so much yesterday! Plus I figured I should rest today so I will hopefully feel better tomorrow and to be honest I am just completely burnt out from such a crazy week.

Being sick (or all the caffeine I have been ingesting) has also made me lose my appetite so I ended up eating a little bit here and there throughout the day. For breakfast I had two whole wheat waffles with almond butter and honey. I haven’t had these in a while so they tasted quite scrumptious this morning! I had a granola bar as a snack and a nonfat chai tea latte because I needed a major boost to power through finishing my paper today. After I finished interning I went to the pit and had some scrambled egg whites with spinach and feta cheese.

Just a warning, my dinner was extremely random. I started out having an orange because that sounded good as I have a sore throat. Then when I got a little bit hungry I had a small bowl of cereal and an activia yogurt.  So pretty much my day consisted of eating very random food, but fairly healthy considering I’m sick, and finishing my paper in the library. I know you are all blown away by my exciting life! Tomorrow I have a two page write up due and then I can coast a bit through the weekend! Some relaxation is much needed because I have been running on empty for a while now.

I am also hoping that both the weather and my health improve tomorrow because I really want to be active again!

HC love,
