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Links We Love 5.1.11

  1. Yuck…you know it’s finals weeks when… [USA Today]
  2. Tips for the most generic dating profile. LOL. [Thought Catalog]
  3. Facebook friends can’t spell? Here are some funny comments for them. [Someecards]
  4. Using Twitter to land an internship. [Internships]
  5. A 19-year journey towards landing a degree. [Iowa State University]
  6. The Four Loko founders fire back. [The Fix]
  7. Aw! The cutest unusual animal friendships. [Time]
  8. College student’s guide to saving $$$. [Savings Account]
  9. iPhone users: take your phone to the next level! [The New York Times]
  10. College on your smartphone. [The Huffington Post]

Cara Sprunk has been the Managing Editor of Her Campus since fall 2009. She is a 2010 graduate of Cornell University where she majored in American Studies with a concentration in cultural studies. At Cornell Cara served as the Assistant Editor of Red Letter Daze, the weekend supplement to the Cornell Daily Sun where she also wrote for the news and arts section and blogged about pop culture. In her free time Cara enjoys reading, shopping, going to the movies, exploring and writing.