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Lazy Saturday


Hey collegiettes™!

I have been enjoying a lazy Saturday so far, since the weather is pretty crummy today. Plus, I am going to a fraternity formal tonight, so I have been trying (key word) to get some work done.

I had a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, a little honey and an apple for breakfast, while catching up on some of my favorite TV shows. For lunch I continued the breakfast theme with a two egg omelet with feta, olives and spinach…it was delicious! I also had a mini fruit and yogurt parfait that was premade in the pit. I was pretty impressed until I remembered that there are a lot of prospective students visiting the campus right now. The food always seems to miraculously get better around this time in the spring.

Sorry this is a short post, but I am off to work out…need to make sure I burn some calories in case I decide I want to have a cocktail or two tonight. It is still weird to me that I can do that! I will be sure to post some pictures tomorrow!