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Kelly Clarkson Was Accused of Child Abuse Because She Let Her Daughter Eat Nutella

Kelly Clarkson has been accused of the highest form of child abuse: letting her kid eat Nutella. After the singer posted an Instagram video of her two-year-old daughter eating the most delicious spread on the face of the planet, internet trolls claimed Clarkson was going to give her child cancer, among other cruel comments.


River’s first Nutella experience. It should have been via crepe but toast was easier #nutellagoodness #australiagoodness

A post shared by Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson) on

Cosmopolitan spoke to Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Director Jaclyn London about false reports that Nutella could cause cancer. London confirmed, “No single food product can increase your risk of chronic disease in isolation!”

However, facts didn’t stop the angry monsters from attacking Clarkson and her adorable daughter River Rose. The video Kelly shared shows River eating a piece of toast with Nutella on it. The post has almost 1,000 comments, and many are downright mean. One said, “Stop eating Nutella. It’s been confirmed to give cancer.” 

Another commented, “Don’t make your kids blow up.” And then there’s this beauty: “Giving food like this to a child is child abuse.”

I hardly think so. What abuse is Kelly really committing here? Serving a minor excessive deliciousness? Get a grip already.

Kayleen is a senior at Florida International University and is pursuing her dream career as a journalist. She is addicted to HGTV and original shows on Netflix. Proud of her Cuban heritage, she rocks hoop earrings and cannot go a day without her pastelitos. You can find her on Instagram as @Mongaleen or follow her Disney account @Disneyleen.