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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

     A major, and often overlooked, adjustment in college is developing your more domestic side. Not too long ago, every stain, smudge, or spot was easily remedied by my mother’s knowledge of all things laundry. Now, as we live independently, laundry is our own responsibility. Regardless of who is actually doing your laundry, stains still find a way to appear on your preferred pair of pants. Unfortunately, I recently fell victim to the left-something-in-your-back-pocket mistake. My new tinted lip balm can now be seen on six of my favorite shirts. To help my fellow MoHo’s , I offer a few tried and true tips for wrangling the $1.50 a load machines:


  1. Club Soda: the Classic

While this recipe doesn’t call for gin or extra lime, try using club soda as your primary stain defense. Keep a bottle in your room or even in the bottom of your laundry basket to pretreat before washing.


  1. Tide to Go Pen: the Quick Fix

Pick one up on the travel size aisle at Target! My ever ready sister always has one on her.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide: the Heavy Lifter

Think beyond the first aid kit! Hydrogen Peroxide acts similarly to Club Soda as a stain fighter. It can also whiten your teeth…


     The clothes we wear on our backs not only allow personal expression, but help us represent ourselves to others. Next time you throw everything in one HE washing machine and it all turns pink or a dingy blue, consider taking the time to care for your clothes. A few simple steps go a long way. A close friend swears by taping a bag to the inside of her laundry basket to make it easier for her to throw her pocket leftovers into for safekeeping. Happy laundering!


Helpful Links:


Try pinterest.com and search for DIY and affordable detergent alternatives.


Elizabeth is a sophmore at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts and is studying Politics and Journalism. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Mount Holyoke, she enjoys reading, dancing, running, dessert, and her summer job as a windsurfing instructor on Lake Michigan.