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Jennifer Lawrence & Emma Stone Had the Most Relatable Reason for Not Showing Up to the Golden Globes After Parties

We all have that one friend who, after hours of hair, makeup and picking the perfect outfit, somehow manages to convince us to stay home from a night out and opt for a girls’ night in instead. In Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence’s friendship, it appears that person would be the former — and we can relate.

In a hilarious video that was originally posted to Jennifer Lawrence’s Facebook page, Emma can be heard in the background asking her bestie, “What happened tonight?” Get ready, because the story is a wild ride.

With only one side of her face showing (this becomes v important later), Jen responds, “Well you had told me you wanted to be your date to some of the after parties.” She goes into detail about how she booked a car, got tickets to parties, and was “halfway through glam when you told me that you didn’t want to go. And now this is what I look like.”

Jen then turns to face the camera revealing that only half of her face is done up in a smokey eye — and giggles from both actresses abound. (TBH, we’re laughing pretty hard too.)

It’s not like we can blame them — if we know anything about their friendship, Emma and Jen probably had *tons* more fun goofing off at home together than they ever would have at any Hollywood party. Besides, isn’t the best part of any night out when you get to come home and rehash the whole thing while hanging out with your besties? We’re all for Emma’s decision here.

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.