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Ivanka Trump’s ‘Petty’ Neighbor Saves the Internet

On Saturday night, hundreds of LGBTQ people and climate change activists protested outside of Ivanka Trump’s Washington, D.C. home. As the protestors were busy having a dance party and fighting for what they believe in, a few of Trump’s neighbors decided to come outside and watch the show, as one does. 

One neighbor, in particular, caught the eye of the general public and literally, she is about to become your new spirit animal. I mean… LOOK AT HER. 

IMO, Dianne Bruce, the fearless neighbor in fur, is everything that is right in the world. And she wasn’t even trying. According to TIME, “It was the entertainment for Saturday night,” she told TIME in an interview, explaining that she threw on the first thing she could find near the door. “A neighbor had a couple of glasses of wine, and we were standing so they gave us one as neighbors do, and at the end, I gave her back her glass.”


But, although she wasn’t intending on joining a protest that night, she was not mad about it. “It was about people getting everyone together because they feel frustrated, and they all had big smiles on their faces. It was a celebration of freedom really and truly,” and “I was happy as a clam we were there,” she said. Me too, Dianne. Me too. 

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Isabel is a currently the Evening & Weekend Editor at Her Campus and a student at New York University in the Global Liberal Studies program with a concentration in Contemporary Culture and Creative Production. When she is not watching Gilmore Girls or playing with puppies at the local pet store, she spends her time freelancing for numerous publications about celebrities and life. You can find her work on the websites of Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Seventeen, Elle, and Buzzfeed. Follow her on Instagram at @isabelcalkins.