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It’s Friday, Friday


Hey collegiettes™!!

So it is Friday and I don’t know if I have ever been so excited for the weekend to get here in my life!!! Unfortunately, my joy for the weekend and having some semblance of a social life back may have made me celebrate a little more than necessary tonight.

I ate fine during the day, with cereal for breakfast and a salad, some veggies and hummus and a banana for lunch. Since it was still a little cold for my liking, I went to the gym again today and did the elliptical for an hour. I did extra abs and weights today too so it felt great! After I worked out I had an apple with this fabulous chocolate hazelnut butter I bought today. Yes it sounds unhealthy, but it is actually made with all natural ingredients and no added sugar so it really isn’t much worse than regular peanut butter!

Thanks to my friends (who are cultured and artsy) we went to a gallery hop in downtown Winston tonight and then stopped in a restaurant to have a later dinner. I had a scrumptious salad with olive tapenade, feta cheese and cucumbers…it brought me back to my days spent in Greece this summer.

Obviously none of that makes it sound like I splurged today at all, but add a cocktail, some chips and artichoke dip and a few of my friend’s sweet potato fries and it probably wasn’t the healthiest dinner in the world. After the week I have had I just let go a little tonight, which unfortunately coincided with a lot of temptation I didn’t resist. But, I can’t do anything about it now except vow to wake up tomorrow and make it a great day! The weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully, if I can breathe a little better tomorrow, I will be able to go on a nice long run….which would be fabulous.