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“It’s a beautiful day, don’t let it get away”


Hey Collegiettes™!

Today was a gorgeous day in Winston-Salem…hence the reference to a certain U2 song. To top it off, my parents are here and my 21st birthday is in 5 days!

I haven’t seen my parents in a while, so I am beyond excited to spend some quality time with them! This morning started off wonderfully, when all three of us woke up and went for a run before I had class. I absolutely love waking up in the morning to run, especially on a day with such gorgeous weather!

Though this seems contradictory, waking up early and exercising energizes me for the whole day. I highly recommend morning workouts for any of you willing to set the alarm a little earlier. Morning workouts also mean you don’t have to worry about finding time for the gym during your busy afternoons, which can make your day a lot less stressful. Try it and let me know what you think!

After my great run, I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast (surprise, surprise) and an iced passion tea from Starbucks. For lunch I had a salad with broccoli and grilled fish. Tonight my fabulous parents took myself and some friends out to dinner for an early birthday celebration. It was so much fun and I had some scrumptious salmon with asparagus and a sweet potato.

But then my mom brought out the birthday cake…but not just any birthday cake, a made from scratch chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I know I told you all that I was giving sweets up for lent, which I most definitely still am, but I always allow myself to have a piece (albeit a pretty large one) on my birthday. I mean can you blame me?

Obviously the cake does not exactly fit in with the SELF Jump Start Diet, but I think it is okay to treat yourself every once in a while. Plus I really have been doing well in other areas, mainly exercise. I have done two 6 mile runs this week, a 4 mile run, a 2 mile run and two stints on the elliptical for 40-50 minutes. Don’t know about you, but I think that is pretty great!