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The Internet Has Some Wild Theories About Who Actually Authored This Tweet From Melania Trump’s Account

Melania Trump has not made a public appearance in almost three weeks. During the week of May 18, she was hospitalized for a procedure to treat a benign kidney condition, according to the New York Times. But though the Times reports that the procedure typically has a one-day recovery period, but the First Lady stayed at the hospital for almost a week, according to the Huffington Post.

Information about her condition was kept pretty private, leading people to question where she is and how she’s doing. Melania Trump tweeted on Wednesday saying she’s “feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children and the American people!”

Except Twitter wasn’t so convinced. As reported by the Huffington Post, the language used in the tweet — “working overtime,” “on behalf of the American people” and the exclamation point, for example, is quite similar to something Donald Trump himself would tweet. Many users responded to the tweet with similar concerns.

Some just felt certain that the FLOTUS didn’t write this herself. 

Others were more specific with their accusations, saying the language used sounded just a little bit too familiar.

And with the First Lady being missing for so long — and the tweet not exactly sounding like something she would say — some people are concerned about her wellbeing.

Of course, there are some twitter users who seemed to be OK with the tweet, responding like they were talking to Melania. Others, however, want answers. The language in the tweet also sounds similar to other reports made about her health, including White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ response to reporters that “the first lady is doing great,” as the New York Times reports. So, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you are) this mystery will endure for a bit longer.

Paige recently graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in journalism. She loves live music, coffee and hummus. When she's not reading or writing articles, she's probably fantasizing about traveling the world or laughing at her own jokes.