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How Does ‘Crescent City’ 2 End? ‘House Of Sky And Breath’ Ends On A Huge Twist

If you’re an avid fantasy reader, or just love to live life dreaming about the Sarah J. Maas universe, then you’ve likely been anticipating the release of House of Flame and Shadow for a while now. Well bookworms, House of Flame and Shadow was released Jan. 30, and it’s finally time to run to your closest bookstore and grab your copy! But wait —- it’s been how long since you’ve read the first two Crescent City books?! 

In preparation for the House of Flame and Shadow release, I felt the need to reread the first two Crescent City books so I remembered details necessary to appreciate the third. While I can hardly say it was a waste of time — I love spending my free time reading about fae war and romance — I totally understand not wanting to backtrack, or not having the time to reread 1,600 pages! So, here’s everything you need to remember about how Crescent City 2: House of Sky and Breath ends so you can start the third book now. Warning: Spoilers for Crescent City books one and two to follow.

Here’s a little list of the most relevant characters at the moment:

  • Bryce Quinlan: Our badass, half-fae and half-human protagonist, has Starborn gifts and can teleport.
  • Hunt Athalar: Also badass, a fallen angel, has the power of lightning, most importantly is Bryce’s mate.
  • Ruhn Danaan: Bryce’s brother, fae.
  • The Asteri: The all-powerful and god-like rulers of Midgard. Otherwise known as the bad guys. 
  • Ophion: Organized rebel group.

In House of Sky and Breath, Bryce and Hunt get pulled into the rebel movement against the all-powerful Asteri, and know they must commit to helping those oppressed. In their work aiding rebels, Bryce, Hunt and Ruhn end up in the Eternal City, home of the Asteri. Here, Bryce learns the Asteri steal their power from Midgard’s inhabitants, taking some of their magic when they make the Drop. All Vanir (magical beings) must complete the Drop to claim their powers and immortality. The Asteri have destroyed worlds by feeding on magic gathered during the Drop to fuel their own all-mighty power. They also discover that Hel is a failed Asteri-takeover. 

In a final fight against the Asteri, Bryce makes a run for the gate in hopes to find Hel, and understand how they fought against the Asteri and won. Bryce never makes it to Hel, and instead lands in grass before a winged warrior.

Hunt is imprisoned once again to the Asteri, his power not fully his own anymore. Bryce has gone through a portal and accidently ended up in another world. If you need to jog your memory on what world that is, read page 798 — I can’t bring myself to write that big of a spoiler down. 

Happy binge-reading!

Chloe Parkins is a Her Campus National Writer for the Style section. Her favorite aspect of Style is fashion! Her jobs as both a Bridal Stylist at BHLDN in college and at Anthropologie post-grad have taught her even more about the world of fashion and styling. She graduated from American University in 2022 with her bachelor's degree in journalism with a minor in sustainability. Currently, Chloe works as a manager at Anthropologie and as a Barnes & Noble Bookseller. She recently began volunteering with Books are Wings, where she assists in their mission to provide children with regular access to books. This includes reading to kids in classrooms which she loves doing. Chloe grew up in Rhode Island; she loves spending time at the beach and swimming in the ocean. In her free time, she loves reading Sarah J. Mass, watching Dancing with the Stars, baking Trader Joe’s pumpkin bread, and spending time with friends (which post-grad can look like a lot of FaceTime calls to long-distance friends!). Chloe grew up dancing and continued in college through classes and clubs. Now, she looks for adult dance classes when she can!