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‘Hocus Pocus’ Celebrates 25th Anniversary: Here Are 13 Things You Should Know About The Best Halloween-Themed Movie, Ever

Can you imagine a Halloween without Hocus Pocus, because I just can’t. This film brings back childhood memories of picking out Halloween costumes and gorging myself on candy fresh from trick-or-treating.

This cult classic turns 25 today (yes, I said 25), and in honor of this Halloween favorite, here are 13 facts you should know about the film.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio was originally cast to play Max. 

Imagine if Leo was in Hocus Pocus​?! He dropped out to film What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?, and his role was eventually brought to life onscreen by Omri Katz.

2. Rosie O’Donnell was originally originally offered the role of Mary Sanderson.

Instead the role went to Kathy Najimy, but wouldn’t that be interesting?

3. The movie was originally titled Halloween House.

Nope. It would definitely not be the same.

4. Hocus Pocus began as a bedtime story that producer and co-writer David Kirschner told his two young daughters in the ’80s.

“Halloween is a huge deal in our home, and it has been since our daughters were little,” Kirschner said in an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment​​. “It speaks to me in a way that becomes so emotional for me and always has.”

5. Hocus Pocus was originally written as a Disney Channel Original Movie.

Though it would make sense to make it into a DCOM, they decided instead to go big or go home and release it in theaters.

6. Late Oscar-winning composer James Horner co-wrote “Sarah’s Theme,” the “Come little children” song Sarah Jessica Parker’s character sings while riding her broomstick.

Horner is also well-known for composing the music in Titanic.

7. Real moths flew out of Billy Butcherson’s mouth after he cut open his stitches.

Ew, but this definitely shows the extent actors will go to create a realistic effect for the screen. To pull this off, the crew inserted a device into actor Doug Jones’ mouth to keep the moths from flying down his throat.

8. Hocus Pocus is called “Abracadabra” in other countries.

So if you’re craving a little bit of Hocus Pocus, be sure to ask for Abracadabra!

9. Nine different cats played Binx.

Well, this definitely takes on a whole other meaning on cats having nine lives. 

10. During filming, Winnie Sanderson, played by Bette Milder, was followed by two people with dictionaries containing old curse words.

I mean, it would be pretty hard to remember all of those curse words, right?

11. The movie was NOT released during the Halloween season, it was released in July of 1993.

Clearly, since today is the 25th anniversary, but it’s proof that it’s never too early for Halloween. *decorates my room in Halloween decor in the middle of July*

12. Jason Marsden is the voice behind the beloved cat/Thackery Binx.

The actor can be recognized as the voice of Max in The Goofy Movie or D.J.’s boyfriend Nelson on “Full House.”

13. Hocus Pocus was a flop in the box office.

Surprisingly, this classic did not do very well amongst critics and moviegoers, making just $39.5 million according to E!far less than what is expected for a Disney production. (It also didn’t help that it was up against Free Willy and Jurassic Park). Let’s just say this movie was ahead of its time, eventually capturing the hearts of TV viewers at home to become the nostalgic film we all remember today.

Maci is currently a junior at California State University, Northridge with a major in Entertainment Media Management. When she's not writing posts for Her Campus, she can be found managing her YouTube channel simplymaci, reading at a local bookstore, training for the LA Marathon, and taking pictures of Instagrammable food. Maci loves Harry Styles, traveling, Harry Potter, and watching British television shows in the hope that one day, she too will live in England. You can keep up with her adventure on Instagram and Twitter @simplymacix