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Her Campus Wake Forest Presents…


Lose the Freshman 15:

Today is an exciting day! To be honest, I am surprised that I haven’t mentioned this epic day to you before now. I am managing editor of Her Campus Wake Forestand we are hosting the New York Times Bestselling author Emily Giffin at Wake Forest tonight! If you don’t know who she is/haven’t read her books you are missing out…her book Something Borrowed is currently being made into a movie so you should definitely read it before the movie comes out!

At Her Campus Wake Forest we have been working really hard to prepare this event, so I am ecstatic that the day is finally here! I will give more details tomorrow, with pictures of course!

To get back to the SELF Jump Start Diet, I met my goal to eat a real lunch and avoided going overboard with the so far snacks today. Though I was still in too much of a hurry to wait in line for anything at the pit, thanks to the handy to-go boxes they offer I grabbed a PB&J, yogurt and fruit to bring to my internship. I also just finished snacking on an apple with a little bit of chocolate hazelnut butter, I had a major chocolate craving so I just had to have some.

Since I had a late snack I will probably just have a light dinner before I get to meet Emily Giffin! I am obviously pretty excited!

HC Love,
