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Friday Fitness Date!

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

TGIF. Seriously!
What are your plans for today? If you have a significant other or even a crush how about going on a fitness date tonight?
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Sure, dinner and movie dates are great, but they can sometimes become routine! Just think how your guy will feel if you suggest an active date, such as rock climbing, going for a walk, or basketball?
My boyfriend and I tried this out last weekend and it was a blast. We went to a local park and had a picnic and then went for a walk. It was so invigorating! I packed healthy snacks and lots of water and then we drove off. Something about working together to promote a healthier lifestyle really brought us closer together. Plus, I loved wearing my New Balance gear-especially these super comfy sneakers below!

The date doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan, just make sure you’re up and moving. You might be surprised to see new sides of each other that you never saw before! And who doesn’t enjoy a cute game of tag football :)
Here are my suggestions for a fun fitness date:

  • Take a scenic walk at a local park
  • Practice free throws at the basketball court
  • Flag football
  • Go swimming!
  • Jog around the neighborhood
  • Take a walk on the beach
  • Rock climbing
  • Skating 
  • Dancing!

Hope you have fun today ladies! Let me know if you tried this out!
photo credit: thelastminute

Meagan is a junior at the University of Tampa working towards her Communication degree. Currently a Creative Services Intern for Bright House Networks, Meagan produces commercials and graphics for local businesses and for fashion blogs. She has worked at a daycare for six years and has a love for children-especially her kindergarteners! She has had a passion for television production since the third grade and in her spare time, she attempts to learn as much as she can about the newest technology. Like most girls, Meagan loves shopping and makeup-she is a beauty guru on YouTube as well. A true believer in milk chocolate and laughter, she always loves to have a good time, whether it is with friends and family, or with her kindergartners at her daycare job. She hopes to pursue her interests in design and television production while in college.