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Fraternity Prank Goes Awry at University of Chicago

Hazing and practical jokes have been an integral part of the Greek system from its inception, but, all too often, these pranks go way too far, as we all heard from a former Dartmouth fraternity brother last year. The latest installment in the never-ending saga of collegiate hazing was reported just yesterday at the prestigious University of Chicago’s chapter of Phi Delta Theta, Beta-Illinois.

As part of a practical joke reportedly being played by another fraternity, postal carrier Iran Becton delivered 79 packages to the Phi Delta Theta house on the Chicago campus, all of which were addressed to “Reggin Toggaf,” which, when read backwards, is a racial and gay slur. When confronted by Mack Julion, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 11, the fraternity brothers insisted the Becton was not the intended target of the prank. Even so, Julion deemed their actions “not acceptable” and has suspended the fraternity’s mail delivery services until a formal apology is written to Becton.

The confrontation occurred Saturday with no additional action by the fraternity.

Besides the obvious issues of racism and homophobia, the incident brings up a variety of legal issues. Notably, the improper use of U.S. Postal Services boxes has caught the attention of the U.S. Postal Inspection Services. Representatives have met with the University of Chicago deputy chief of police, as well as the fraternity president.

However, no further steps have been taken towards assuaging the humiliation Becton has suffered, nor have any plans been reported regarding the consequences for such egregious actions, although a statement released by the university referring to the so-called “joke” as “deplorable.”


Photo Credit:

Iran Becton