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Sabrina Bousbar for Congress
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Sabrina Bousbar Is Running To Represent Her Hometown District — & Flip It Blue

In Her Campus’ series Gen Leaders, we interview Gen Z candidates running for office in 2024. This month, Sabrina Bousbar — who is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida’s 13th Congressional District — talks about her inspiration for joining politics and her vision for the Sunshine State.

Sabrina Bousbar, 27, is hoping to be the voice of Florida’s 13th Congressional District, a place she’s called home all her life.

Born and raised in Pinellas County, Florida, Bousbar is the daughter of immigrant parents who came to the United States nearly 35 years ago as international students — her dad from Morocco and her mom from Colombia — and eventually settled in Pinellas, drawn by the beautiful beaches and local community. 

“Being the daughter of immigrants, my parents really taught me the importance of showing up for your community,” Bousbar tells Her Campus in an exclusive interview. “I was super involved [growing up], and it made me realize that public service matters and the government should work for the people.” 

Bousbar began volunteering in her community from an early age. She started at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, inspired by her love for marine life and the environment. Later, she visited nursing homes, playing the flute and talking to the elders of the community. She also helped deliver Thanksgiving meals to families in need. 

She went on to attend Florida State University, where she earned a degree in political science and international affairs in 2019. She continued her studies at Georgetown University, gaining her master’s degree in emergency management and natural disasters in August 2023. Since then, Bousbar has dedicated her career to politics. She worked as an organizer on the Biden-Harris campaign in 2019 and 2020, and then went on to work in the administration, including the White House and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where she tackled challenges ranging from Covid-19 response to managing relief efforts for natural disasters and mass shootings on the national level. 

“I saw the impacts of politics and how when you put good people in office, they can do good things for people,” Bousbar says about her experiences. 

sabrina bousbar selfie
Sabrina Bousbar for Congress

It’s this idea that inspired Bousbar to run for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2024 election — in addition to her disappointment in her district’s current representative, Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL). Bousbar shares she’s particularly concerned by Luna’s stances on Social Security, Medicare, climate change, and women’s reproductive rights. “It is so apparent that she’s putting her extreme ideology and politics above the people,” Bousbar says. “More than ever, we need leaders who are going to put the people first, and not politics. I often feel like our voices are missed at the table. It’s time that we end extremism and bring leaders who are going to help really get legislation through the door for the people.”

If elected, Bousbar would be the first Gen Z woman to serve in Congress. Although Florida’s 13th Congressional District skews older, with 26.6% of constituents aged 65 and older, Bousbar believes her district needs a leader who can bring fresh ideas and unite people of all ages together. “While my district might not be primarily Gen Z, I’m the voice for all of us,” she says. “I want to make sure I’m held accountable and that I’m answering to my constituents, whether they’re from Gen Z or other generations.” 

Reproductive rights are among Bousbar’s top priorities on the campaign trail. “Flipping the House back to blue will allow us to advance crucial legislation that supports women’s rights,” she says. She also supports passing legislation like the Women’s Health Protection Act, a bill proposed after the overturn of Roe v. Wade that would provide federal access to abortion and legal protection from prosecution. 

Bousbar is also passionate about addressing Florida’s climate crisis as the state faces a growing risk from more frequent and severe natural disasters; she advocates for more funding and legislation to be better prepared for future events. “What I really want to do is ensure we’re being more proactive rather than reactive,” Bousbar says. “I want Congress to invest in infrastructure and prevention to avoid disasters, rather than just responding to them.”

sabrina bousbar
Sabrina Bousbar for Congress

Another top priority is public health. Bousbar believes in expanding Medicare and affordable healthcare for all Americans. “The No. 1 debt among families is healthcare bills, and that’s unacceptable,” she says, emphasizing the financial strain on families in Florida in particular. “There are a lot of families here that are living paycheck to paycheck because they have to pay all of these bills. When it comes to Medicare and Social Security, those are two big issues that we need to protect and expand.”

Although Bousbar has big plans if elected to represent Pinellas County, she knows she can’t achieve them alone. “One thing I learned in the federal government is that it’s the people you surround yourself with that make the difference,” she says. “My first action when elected is to assemble the brightest and most diverse team [to] bring various perspectives, address different policy issues, and focus on what matters in my district.”

These responses have been edited for length and clarity.

What’s your go-to snack on the campaign trail? 


Vote by mail or in-person? 


Favorite Florida beach? 

Clearwater Beach.

Disney World or Universal Studios? 

Disney World.

Alligators or sharks?


Favorite Florida sports team? 

Tampa Bay Lightning.

What’s your go-to fun fact about yourself? 

I’ve been cliff-diving.

Top three songs on repeat during your campaign? 

“I’m Still Standing” by Elton John, “Roar” by Katy Perry, and “This is Me” by The Greatest Showman cast. 

Milan Parker

Agnes Scott '24

Milan Parker is an Entertainment and Culture writer for Her Campus national, where she covers the latest news in pop culture. She is a recent graduate of Agnes Scott College. She is also a member of Her Campus's Election Team, interviewing 2024 Electoral Candidates running for the House of Representatives and Congress. Outside of writing for Her Campus, Milan spends her time writing poetry, some which have been published in Alloy Magazine at Emory University. Currently, she plans to release a written mini-series of her favorite 2000s childhood memories, titled "Confessions of a Y2K Kid". When she is not on the lookout for the next big story, Milan enjoys online shopping, cozying up in libraries, discovering new music, spending time in nature, and taking to the streets on her inline skates. To this day, she's still perfecting the perfect skate routine.