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Find Your Inspiration

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“Dreams come true when we commit to them.” –Annhgiel
When it comes to fitness, what inspires you? Is it a celebrity with a killer body, a person at your gym who has rock hard abs, or a friend who is toned to the core? Whatever it may be, use that to your advantage when planning out your fitness goals.     by whitehatblackbox
Usually inspiration comes first to me. I see someone around campus who has an amazing body and immediately I think, time to get in shape! Unfortunately, that’s about as far as I get in the workout process! It’s great to say you want something, but it takes a lot of courage and persistence to get things moving in action.
If you happen to know someone who is involved in fitness, and you aspire to achieve the same goals as they have, why not talk to them about it? Ask them questions on how they got started, or if they can share some tips and tricks. Most campuses have gyms with personal trainers that can sit one on one with you to help you start your fitness plans.
Perhaps you want to look a certain way that you did in the past. Go find that old photo of yourself where you’re satisfied with your looks and post it to your fridge or bulletin board. My dad did this and now every time he goes to get a drink, he’s reminded of his goal- to have a six-pack! These small reminders really can push you along and help in achieving your ultimate goals.
If a certain celebrity inspires you, online resources and magazines can help to explain the types of exercises they do to maintain their bodies. Most of the time these celebs have personal trainers on hand to help them out and may have websites that showcase their work.
Feel free to keep a journal with you to jot down your inspirational thoughts, feedback and such. Motivational quotes also can help. Just remember, you can do it and I will be here to help you along the way! Best of luck!

photo credit:  by whitehatblackbox

Meagan is a junior at the University of Tampa working towards her Communication degree. Currently a Creative Services Intern for Bright House Networks, Meagan produces commercials and graphics for local businesses and for fashion blogs. She has worked at a daycare for six years and has a love for children-especially her kindergarteners! She has had a passion for television production since the third grade and in her spare time, she attempts to learn as much as she can about the newest technology. Like most girls, Meagan loves shopping and makeup-she is a beauty guru on YouTube as well. A true believer in milk chocolate and laughter, she always loves to have a good time, whether it is with friends and family, or with her kindergartners at her daycare job. She hopes to pursue her interests in design and television production while in college.