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Kris Jenner’s Sister Got a Facelift to Look More Like Her

Cosmpolitan.com confirms that Kris Jenner’s not-so-famous younger sister Karen Houghton recently underwent a five-hour surgery to look more like her sister. Houghton, who has repeatedly been a prime target for tabloid reporters, says of her surgery, “I actually wanted to do it for me. And, of course, the Kardashians. Everyone wants to look beautiful.”

According to Inside Edition, Houghton’s facelift, called an auralyft, is the most extensive type of facelift that a woman can have done. Luckily, Houghton is overjoyed with the results, telling insiders, “I look like my beautiful sister Kris and I never thought I would.” Here’s hoping Kris Jenner is just as pleased. 

Sydnee is, above all, a pizza enthusiast who occasionally drinks green juice for online documentation (because pics or it didn’t happen). Her lifelong social ambitions include hanging around with Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey at Central Perk at 11:30 on a Wednesday. Lover of the East Coast and the world’s worst cook. Follow her on Instagram @lovesydneemarie.