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Kim Kardashian’s Assistant Isn’t Living the Glamorous Life Most People Think She Is

Stephanie Shepard has been working with Kim Kardashian since 2013 as the celebrity’s personal assistant, and was just recently promoted to COO of Kardashian West Brands. In the four years Stephanie has worked for the Kardashian-Jenner clan, she has traveled with them on all of their vacations, has worked out with the sister trio, and has even seen Kanye West’s comedic side. However, the perks of being an A-lister’s assistant can sometimes be outweighed by the lack of sleep and tremendous amount of work required for the job.


wifey for lifey

A post shared by STEPHANIE ANN SHEPHERD (@steph_shep) on

Being Kim Kardashian’s right-hand woman comes with its own set of responsibilities like doing laundry, booking all of Kim’s traveling arrangments, and even escorting Kim home after the robbery in Paris. But the biggest task Stephanie has ever had to tackle was Kim and Kanye’s wedding. Even though Kim and Kanye hired a wedding planner, Stephanie was in charge of a lot of the logistics, which basically meant there was no way she would be enjoying herself at one of the most famous celebrity weddings of the year.

In an interview with Refinery29 she admits, ” I didn’t even get to watch the ceremony because I was also filming—I often producer-cam the more personal moments for the show, when they don’t want full-on cameras around—so I was filming everyone getting ready. And then Caitlyn lost her suit, so I had to locate it; all the girls are getting ready, we’re getting Kim together, we’re in this castle; Kanye is down rearranging the floral arrangements and all this stuff, all while I’m trying to film. I was in Adidas sweatpants and a t-shirt and hadn’t showered that day! And then I walked her down to the elevator so she could walk down that really long stone aisle, and then I ran back up and started filming her from the roof! That was the money shot for the show. Meanwhile, there was some security guy yelling at me, ‘You can’t film here!'”

As if that wasn’t stressful enough, there’s more to the story. “I was still relatively new back then. I remember just not sleeping that whole week, and then I came home and I got pulled over on Hollywood Boulevard and I just started crying to the police officer, like, ‘Please, I’m just exhausted, I gotta go home; you don’t understand!’ Truly. I went to bed at, like, 5 in the afternoon and woke up the next day at, like, 11 a.m. But it was all worth it, because it was the most beautiful day.” So the job has perks, but they definitely come at a price. Still, Stephanie loves the gig and has become a close friend of the Kardashian-Jenner family.


I’m like fuck critics you can kiss my whole asshole

A post shared by STEPHANIE ANN SHEPHERD (@steph_shep) on

I am a student at the University of Central Florida majoring in Advertising/Public Relations, and I hope to one day be an event coordinator for a major corporation. My hobbies include reading, writing, Netflix, and working out!