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Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence Was Bullied In Middle School!

Celebrities often live under glossy packaging, where we mortals assume that our favorite stars have always been beautiful and beloved by many. Then we learn that hey, they’re really just like us, only wealthier, luckier and on the cover of magazines. Jennifer Lawrence, 22, the star of Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook, isn’t just hot on the silver screen and the red carpet. Like her character Katniss, Jennifer knows how to kick butt…verbally, that is. 

Jennifer told The Sun, “I changed schools a lot in elementary school because some girls were mean.” By the time she reached high school, the teasing had toned down, but she was definitely not one of the popular girls. The star says that she was asked to pass out invitations to a party she wasn’t even invited to! How did she get ’em back? Jennifer “hocked a loogie on them,” she says, and tossed the invitations into the trash. Take that, bullies!

Of course, those girls who teased back in the day are probably wishing they’d been her best friend now. Most of us dealt with teasing and bullying throughout our school careers, so it’s a relief that we’re not alone.  “Don’t worry about the b*tches,” says the star. 

How did you cope with teasing in elementary school, middle school or high school? 

Roxanna Coldiron is a recent graduate of Hiram College with a B.A in Communication and is a current master's student at The New School in NYC. She likes to be busy, so she often works several jobs at once and takes an overload of interesting classes. Time management is her specialty! Her goal in life is to tell stories through a variety of media platforms. Follow her on Twitter @roxanna_media!