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Culture > Entertainment

How These Kids Reacted to Caitlyn Jenner’s Reveal is Heartwarming

This video will restore your faith in humanity. Hatch, an educational program by SheKnows, asked a group of young children about their thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner. The interviewers showed the kids a photo of Caitlyn as an Olympic star in the ’70s, and then another picture of Caitlyn from her Vanity Fair story. When they were told that the two photos depicted the same person, the children were surprised, but accepting.

They were then shown both positive and negative tweets about Caitlyn, to which they reacted with empathy. The children expressed support and understanding. “I think they are just scared of change,” one child said in response to a transphobic tweet. “They just want everything to stay the same because they just don’t know how to handle it.”

With a few simple words, these kids showed a huge amount of wisdom. “Who she wants to be is who she should be,” said one. Another stated, “It’s important for you to be yourself, because if you’re not yourself, then who are you?” Watch the amazing video below.

Jamie is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College in Boston, MA. She is the Her Campus Life Editor, a National Contributing Writer, and Campus Correspondent of the Emerson Her Campus chapter. Jamie plans to pursue a career in the magazine industry. See more of her work at: www.jamiemkravitz.com